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Care Resources

Common benefits and local information:

Below is a list of common benefits and useful information compiled by a small group of carers. Whilst we will endeavour to keep it current, please do check information that is relevant to yourself.

Benefits and Discounts - click here for a list of general and local benefits

Hertfordshire Care Services Directory - This care directory is updated annually and covers a range of care services across Hertfordshire.

Carers Support - all carers should register with Carers in Herts for a wide range of information, discounts, training and support.

Carers Assessment - carers can get help from Hertfordshire County Council, including finance to support carers breaks if appropriate. This is allocated by need and is not means tested and initially takes the form of a carers assessment.  

Tips for supporting carers - a list of practical ways you can support someone who is caring for a loved one.

Everyday Practicalities - practical tips, pointers and recommendations by local carers to address some of the most common issues facing carers. These include dealing with incontinence, difficult eating issues and washing someone with limited mobility. 

Choosing a Care Home  - Choosing a Care Home is a stressful exercise. AgeUK has produced a useful care home checklist

Paying for care in a care home - this factsheet from AgeUK explains how being part of a couple affects your eligibility for local authority funding if you need to move into a care home.

Resources for specific conditions:

Cancer   |   Dementia   |   Mental Health & Addictions  |   Parkinson's | SEND 

Useful organisations: 

Adult Social Services

Team at HCC - blue badge, carers assessments, arranging & paying for care, day services, transport for older people, equipment & home care options

0300 123 4042

Age UK Herts

Supporting older people with a day centre, advice, support after hospital stay, nutrition advice & handyman service

0330 345 3446

Carers in Herts

Information, discounts, training and support

01992 586 969

Citizens Advice

Advice and help with benefits, budgeting and debt

0800 144 8848

Community Transport

Transport for those who can't drive or use public transport

01462 689 402

Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline

Free advice about Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence and Coercive Control

0808 808 8088


Network of community organisations working together across Hertfordshire. Aims to help everyone living in the country access the independent support, guidance and info they need, when they need it.

0330 123 4044

Herts Independent Living Services (HILS)

Providing meals on wheels - delivery of a hot meal to residents

0330 2000 103

Herts Mind Network

Mental health support across Herts

0203 727 3600

Herts Sunflower

Herts domestic abuse helpline 08088 088 088

Jewish Care

The leading health and social care charity for the Jewish community in London and the South-East.

Jewish Care runs a number of support groups

0208 922 2222

Jewish Women's Aid (JWA)

Charity supporting Jewish women affected by domestic and/or sexual violence.

0808 801 0500
Long Covid Support An international charity whose Long Covid Support Group is a friendly, inclusive space for people experiencing the diverse, debilitating and alarming symptoms of Long Covid to share information, help each other through the bad days and celebrate in the good.  

Money Advice Unit

Charity offering confidential debt management and bankruptcy advice. 

0300 3300 650

Paper Weight

Charity offering financial, legal and health & welfare advice and practical help

0330 174 4300


The Jewish community's dedicated employment support organisation, providing employment advice, support and skills.

020 8346 4000


In addition to our community support worker, Shiran, you can contact one of our clergy in confidence:   Rabbi Paul or  Rabbi David-Yehuda




Mon, 9 September 2024 6 Elul 5784