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The Wider Community

Our congregation is part of the wider community; in particular we play a role in the wider community of Radlett, the surrounding areas from which we draw our members, as well as the wider Jewish community.

Our synagogue is situated in a location that has the highest proportion of Jewish residents in the country according to the 2011 national census. We aim to play our part in the locality, and promote good relations with all our neighbours.

We welcome visits to our synagogue by local schools. We take part in cross-communal events, such as the  annual Remembrance Day service at the Radlett War Memorial. Our clergy visit events at local churches, and their representatives visit our synagogue.  We have taken part in talks with local church leaders, for example on biblical subjects, each from their own perspective. Our choir has given joint concerts with local church choirs.

We attend meetings at Aldenham Parish Council with representatives of local faiths which seek to promote understanding and community within Radlett. These meetings aim to promote respect for people in general as well as respect for different religious groupings. We also send a representative to the Hertsmere Forum of Faiths, which aims to inform Hertsmere Borough Council thinking on issues that affect members of local religious faiths.

We have a regular food collection to support local homeless and other disadvantaged people, through Watford New Hope, a Christian charity. We also have  collections for the Borehamwood Food Bank, supporting local people in crisis.

We are keen to promote education in the local area and regularly host large groups of non-Jewish school children at the synagogue to support their religious curriculum studies.

Annual High Holy Day Appeal

Each year we support a range of charities near and far with our appeal. We try and support a local charity, a national charity, one in Israel as well as our own community.

Food Collection

Collecting for the New Hope Haven

As well as collecting dry goods and tinned food the New Hope Haven is now providing a hearty breakfast and would also appreciate items such as eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and fruit which can be dropped off either on the Friday or Saturday. Please contact the synagogue  office for the location

Dry goods are welcomed at anytime in the synagogue lobby.

Tikkun Olam / Social Action

We support the work that JCORE and the  JLC are doing for refugees and asylum seekers and nearer to home, a number of the local hospices.

Cyclone Deneo caused a great deal of damage across Southern Africa. The small village of Cabatsha, near Bulawayo, Zimbabwe was one of those which was  devastated as the cyclone destroyed houses and other properties. A friend of our former caretaker, Chris, witnessed the destruction and asked for our help. Following a collection by our members, we were delighted to be able to be able to purchase much-needed bags of cement to rebuild houses.

If you would like to get involved with a Social Action project at Radlett Reform, please let the synagogue office know.

 Reform Judaism (RJ)

As a synagogue we are affiliated to Reform Judaism (RJ).

We are the 4th largest community within this movement consisting of 44 synagogues.

To learn more about Reform Judaism click here

Reform Judaism provides support at all levels to the communities within the Movement. Many of our young people belong to its youth movement RSY-Netzer (Reform Synagogue Youth), enjoying trips, challenges, schemes, summer and winter camps and Israel tour.


Radlett Reform Synagogue is committed to engagement with other faiths, and to promoting mutual understanding between Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and the different religions within our society and our local community.

We attend meetings of the Aldenham Interfaith Forum with Parish Councillors and representatives of local faiths which seek to promote constructive dialogue within Radlett.

The synagogue is also represented at the Hertsmere Forum of Faiths, which informs Hertsmere Borough Council thinking on issues that affect members of local religious groups.

Radlett Reform participates in the annual Mitzvah/Community Action Day event – contributing to improving the needs of people in need (working with Watford New Hope) and the local environment.

Mitzvah Day is in November.


Young@Herts, under the sponsorship of Jewish Care, is a Cross Communal group that plans social activities for the over 55s in Hertfordshire’s Jewish communities.

It runs its own programme of regular activities, including line dancing, walks, theatre visits and outings, as well as selected events in partnership with Hertfordshire-based synagogues. 

To join the Young@Herts mailing list, please email

Tue, 22 October 2024 20 Tishrei 5785