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Leave a  legacy to Radlett Reform

How a gift in your will can make a real difference to our Radlett Reform community

For the last 50 years Radlett Reform synagogue has played a key role  in the lives of our members and the wider community.

With a wonderful clergy team, we are recognised for providing inspirational spiritual and pastoral support to our members during good times and bad.  We have a reputation for being friendly and inclusive and innovative in our approach to modern Reform Judaism. Over the years our membership has grown - and so have our aspirations. Our unique community profile means that nearly half of our large community is under 21 years, in a community which is widely geographically dispersed. We have one of the largest and most active chedarim (religion schools) in the British Reform Movement with many services and activities specifically for our young families.

Until now, our membership income has met the demands of a vibrant, thriving community, but in an era of ever-rising costs this has become more difficult. 

Remembering us in your will gives Radlett Reform the confidence to make long-term plans. Your ongoing support is vital to help us continue our work, keeping those young people connected and preserve our values into the next generation and beyond.

Where will your money go?

In the past, gifts left to Radlett Reform in wills have helped us to buy prayerbooks and ritual objects, maintain the fabric of the building and help provide additional welfare and clergy support. It is best for us to receive gifts without restriction to enable the leadership to decide on the appropriate use of funds.

We know that Radlett Reform is much more to its members and to the local community than bricks and mortar. It is a source of strength in times of stress and joy at times of celebration. It is a builder of community and of friendships. We have successfully connected people living in some of our outlaying areas, creating local Radlett Reform chavurot (friendship groups) and we see this need continuing as people move further from traditional Jewish epicentres.

Without sufficient funds, we cannot continue to offer the breadth and depth of services, support and programming for which we have become well-known.

If Radlett Reform has played a part in your life, please consider remembering us in your will so that future generations can benefit as you have done from all we can offer. A legacy may be the largest and easiest gift to charity that you make. And you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you can continue to make a difference to the lives of others after you are gone. 

Downloadable information about wills and legacies

Sun, 9 February 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785